VINYL STYL™ Groove Portable 3 Speed Turntable (Buddha)

Buddha is recognized as an enlightened or divine teacher who attained full Buddhahood, and shared his insights to help sentient beings end rebirth and suffering. Sounds like he would probably have used a record collection to help spread those good vibes…  if they had records all those centuries ago!

Music is an escape from the pain and suffering that we encounter every day in our own lives. Music speaks to the heart and the soul. Music is emotion in action. Sometimes, we need to shut everything out, spin our favorite records and just chill with our favorite Vinyl Styl™ turntable.

Thankfully, we have one that Buddha would approve of!

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VINYL STYL™ Groove Portable 3 Speed Turntable (Black)

Simple. Classic. Stylish.

The Vinyl Styl™ Groove portable black suitcase turntable is one of our best sellers. The color black can express a mood (play your Goth records loud!) or it can serve as a practical and simple solution when trying to find the perfect turntable for any place you call home (the color black matches everything!). However, the moment you lift the lid and put on a record, the music will provide all the color you’ll ever need.


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Celebrate 420 with VINYL STYL™!

Spinning vinyl is a welcome respite from the pressures of everyday life. Gently placing the needle in the groove of your favorite slice of wax can give you a natural high like no other. The sounds emanating from the speakers – be them soft and gentle or loud and aggressive – can be the cure for all ills. Those things that weigh heavy on your mind disappear in a puff of smoke as you are whisked away by the music…

We here at Vinyl Styl™ know the importance of your relationship with your records. This is why we recommend our Vinyl Styl™ Groove Portable turntable adorned with a beautiful leaf design. Trust us – this turntable is NOT a drag!


“That is not a drug. It’s a leaf.” — Arnold Schwarzenegger

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VINYL STYL™ Groove Portable 3 Speed Turntable (White)



Is white really a color?


Think for a moment before you answer that question. Just think of red, orange, yellow, purple, green and all of those other vibrant ‘colors’ that stimulate your senses.  Isn’t white just a blank canvas for you to add those other colors to? Isn’t ‘white’ the equivalent of drinking water – perfectly fine on its own but better when you add bubbles, dye, hops, coffee beans or whatever you need to make it something refreshing to drink? Well, if you haven’t been paying attention to your colors, the answer may surprise you.  Look no further than Wikipedia to find the answer:


“White is an achromatic color, a color without hue, that is a mixture of the frequencies of all the colors of the visible spectrum. It is one of the most common colors in nature, the color of sunlight, snow, milk, chalk, limestone and other common minerals.”


In essence, white is every color. However, it is more than that.  According to Wikipedia, “In many cultures white represents or signifies purity, innocence, and light…  According to surveys in Europe and the United States, white is the color most often associated with perfection, the good, honesty, cleanliness, the beginning, the new, neutrality, and exactitude.”


We here at Vinyl Styl™ decided to create a beautiful white portable turntable that we truly believe is ‘perfection’ and it exudes ‘purity, innocence and light’. We hope you feel the same way.
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A VINYL STYL™ Groove Portable 3 Speed Turntable makes the perfect Easter gift!

Spring has sprung and Peter Cottontail is down his rabbit hole, gathering together all of his goodies to deliver on Easter morning. Right now, kids are looking forward to baskets filled with jelly beans, Peeps and chocolate bunnies. However, by noon on Easter, the kids will have jelly belly aches, be on a sugar marshmallow high and will be hurling complaints about their bunnies being hollow. And I haven’t even mentioned anything about vacuuming up that fake green grass!

Thankfully, we at VINYL STYL™ had a little talk with Mr. Cottontail and suggested that he deliver some other goodies this year alongside the usual candy and dyed hard-boiled eggs. We showed him all of our best-selling turntables and he chose his three favorites – keeping with the ‘Easter colors’ theme, of course. We are proud to show you the three colors here and hope that Peter has left them in the garden for you to find during your egg hunt.  If not, then maybe it is time for you to take the initiative and start your VINYL STYL™ Turntable Hunt tradition this year in the comfort of your own home!

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Don’t forget your VINYL STYL™ Record Cleaning Fluid (8oz.)!

When you first start building up your vinyl collection, the VINYL STYL™ ULTIMATE VINYL RECORD CARE KIT is an essential purchase if you want to keep your records in tip-top shape. As your collection grows, you’ll want to continue to clean every precious LP, 12”, 10” and 7” that you own. Proper care of your records will ensure that they look and sound great for years to come.

The VINYL STYL™ ULTIMATE VINYL RECORD CARE KIT includes a 1.5 oz. bottle of record cleaning fluid which will last quite a while if used properly. Thankfully, if you are getting low on fluid, VINYL STYL™ also sells an 8 oz. bottle that is perfect for maintaining a moderate to large record collection. The VINYL STYL™ Record Cleaning Fluid safely removes dust and dirt from record surface without scratching. It is easy and safe to use and will bring you and your collection peace of mind!
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VINYL STYL™ Presents The Top 100 Bestsellers on Vinyl!

We at VINYL STYL™ are very proud of our line of accessories and we are more than pleased that you enjoy them, too.  However, we realize that none of us would be here if it wasn’t for those merry music makers and their hit albums on vinyl. So, we decided to put together a list of the Top 100 sellers on vinyl for you to peruse.  Maybe there’s something here you didn’t know was on vinyl… or perhaps you could use this as a checklist as you complete your collection of LPs? Either way, we thought we’d offer this list as a reminder that your local record store is the best place to purchase these and more. Also, remember that once you own some LPS, in order to get the most out of them you’re going to need to keep them in the best shape possible, and that there are no better care products than VINYL STYL™ to help you achieve that!  Happy shopping!

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Check out our VINYL STYL™ Poly Sleeves for 7″ Singles!

Much has been said about the sudden rise in popularity of the vinyl LP, which is truly exciting for those who love to collect albums. However, the glorious 7” single format has never gone away. Indie labels have been pressing them for decades – albeit in very limited quantities. In the ‘90s and ‘00s, the 7” single was one of the most popular formats for labels, who managed to maintain a decent cash flow by selling them through mail order. Bands would even press up exclusive 7” singles to sell at their gigs. So, while the LP was temporarily on the backburner, the 45rpm was the format of choice for the indie bands and labels.

The 7” single – first introduced in the late ‘40s – ushered in the Pop and Rock ‘n’ Roll eras. It has remained an important and much loved format for 70 years by music fans and has proven to be an excellent way for artists to reach and communicate with their core audience. Most 7” singles play at 45rpm and have one song per side, but there have been more and more exceptions to that rule over the years. There are some bands that manage to fit two to four songs per side, depending on the length of the recordings. If you’re lucky, the single comes with a picture sleeve that adds to the experience.  Read More